simkhat hanefesh

Thu, Jul 13 ‘23 07:00 PM
Yiddish Songs and Jewish Instrumental Music from the Renaissance and Baroque

A Journey Through Ashkenaz: The Travels of Abraham Levie, 1719-1723

In 1719, the young Abraham Levie from Lemgo embarked on a journey that took him from the German-speaking lands via Moravia and Austria to Italy and Elba. His travelogue, written in Amsterdam, survived in manuscript form.

Simkhat hanefesh joins Abraham Levie on his travels and presents you Yiddish songs and instrumental music from the Renaissance and Baroque, related to places he visited. We will read short excerpts from his travelogue.

We look forward to welcoming you to a program of rediscovered Jewish music from the Renaissance and Baroque. simkhat hanefesh (Joy of the Soul)

Diana Matut (D) - voice, recorder, nyckelharpa 
James Hewitt (GB/NL) - baroque violin, baroque viola
Torsten Pfeffer (D) - percussion, frame drum, bells
Erik Warkenthin (D) - lute, theorbo, baroque guitar
Dietrich Haböck (D) - viola da gamba

„The music of ‚Simkhat hanefesh‘ rarely sounds worn, rather fresh, lively and with a dance-like elegance!" (Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung)

Location: Wandelhalle, Wartburgallee 53, 99817 Eisenach
Contact: , +49(0)15776463340
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